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You can become a Penteuromillionaire

Recentely, the sale of furniture, created by the students, started at Paços de Pereira. From now on, the furniture authors can obtain the sales value by going to their profiles and clicking the link My sales and, then, the link Check sales.

Your contributions to Paços de Pereira are very much welcome. To sell your objects in Paços de Pereira, please click the link My sales and, then, the link How to create objects.

Meanwhile, we leave you this magificent creations from some of the students, that are already avaialable for sale in Paços de Pereira. The School of Magic wishes that all authors may become Penteuromillionaires!


3 Announcements

Ivandra, the Founder of the School of Magic, is available to teletransport all fans of exotic destinies to a paradise island where the mountains and valleys are made of Penteuros.

We would also like to share with you one more magnificent rug by Witch23. You can find it in Paços de Pereira.

Finally, we would like to announce that 1000 pieces of furniture have already been sold in Paços de Pereira. Thanks everyone!

First furniture by a Student

The School of Magic is proud to present, in Paços de Pereira, the first furniture designed by a student. The student is Witch23. You can see the artistic piece below.


Visits to your room

You can now know how many visits you received in your room. The number of visits is indicated on the right side of the owner's name.

Bookshelves for sale in the Magic Market

We have just received a collection of elegant bookshelves where you can keep your books and other kinds of related intellectual material. The bookshelves are part of the Minimalist Collection that is waiting for you at the Paços de Pereira Market. Happy shopping everyone!

Residence's inauguration

The students' residence was just inaugurated. We invite everyone to move in to the School of Magic.

There is a room for you here. We also have a party awaiting you!

According to Ivandra "This is a day of extreme importance and a major step in the improvement of the students' well being. We can, now, look ahead into the future with increased confidence".

Professor Rafael designed the building that includes several different architectonical styles. There is, as well, a bit from every color because, according to the most recent research in the field of psychological magical, that greatly contributes to the mental and magical states of the professional wizard.

To decorate your room you can visit the renowned Paços de Pereira Market, the furniture Eldorado. You can choose among the 78 different items from the minimalist collection. For now you will find beds, closets and tables at the store. After all, no wizard can do without a good night's sleep, a place to store his treasures and a table where to study his spells. Soon, more items from the minimalist collection will arrive via broomstick airmail.

We invite all students to visit these new spaces that are indeed your spaces. After all, if the students had not recovered the Penteuros, stolen by Limoso, from the Tax Haven, the residence would have never been built. The School of Magic is grateful for your formidable courage and commitment to this cause!

You can collect your Awards

Thanks to our brave students, the residence's funding has finally been assured! We now have the 70 million Penteuros necessary to complete the construction.

As promised, you can collect your presents here.

The student Angela_ will additionally receive two books for the extraordinary amount of Penteuros recovered from the Tax Haven. To know the students who recovered more Penteuros from the Tax Haven, please click here.

Meanwhile, prepare your gala suits :) The residence will be inaugurated at 12 December and you are all invited for the party! Thanks, everybody, and see you there...

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